The Wheels on the Bus in Irish
Wheels on the Bus Song in Irish 
Learn the words to this children's classic, 'Wheels on the Bus' in Irish, and also enjoy watching and singing along with the kids.
Where to listen to this song
You can find the words below.
This song is found here on Cúla4 app or website; 'A fun song about the wheels on the bus'
This song is also available in English on Super Simple Songs via Youtube and more.
'Wheels on the Bus' Song on Super Simple Amhráin (Cúla4)
Dialect Note; This song is written in the Connaught dialect so vocabulary and pronunciation may be specific to Connaught. 'Faitíos' is used instead of 'eagla' (scared). 'Breathnaigh' is another verb for 'look', like 'Féach'.
'Wheels on the Bus' as Gaeilge lyrics
Would you like more songs and rhymes as Gaeilge for the kids?
Check out the other posts on kids and rhymes here
Check out this playlist on Youtube for more lessons, songs and rhymes for the kids as Gaeilge