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10 Beautiful Blessings in Irish (Gaeilge) and Their Pronunciation


10 Beautiful Blessings in Irish (Gaeilge) and Their Pronunciation


Here are ten blessings in Irish (Gaeilge) and their pronunciation:


  1. Go n-éirí an bóthar leat - "May the road rise with you" (guh nay-ree un boh-hur lat)
  2. Go gcastar an t-ádh leat - "May luck be cast with you" (guh gah-stur un taw leat)
  3. Go ndéana an t-ádh ar do thuras - "May luck attend your journey" (guh nday-nuh un taw err doh hoor-uhs)
  4. Go raibh maith agat - "Thank you" (guh rev mah ag-ut)
  5. Go raibh míle maith agat - "Thank you very much" (guh rev meel-uh mah ag-ut)
  6. Beannacht Dé ort - "God's blessing on you" (ban-ukht day ort)
  7. Slán agus beannacht - "Goodbye and blessings" (slawn og-us ban-ukht)
  8. Beannacht Dé leat - "God's blessing with you" (ban-ukht day lat)
  9. Beannacht Dé oraibh - "God's blessing on all of you" (ban-ukht day or-iv)
  10. Beannacht Dé ar an obair - "God's blessing on the work" (ban-ukht day err un oh-bur)


I hope these blessings are helpful to you! 

Copy and paste any one of these here to hear it pronounced 


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